AUGUST 2020 ROUNDUP: New era beckons for East Med diplomacy
Radio EastMed’s Editor-in-Chief Ertan Karpazli rounds up all the latest news and developments from the Eastern Mediterranean for the month of August 2020.
Scroll down to listen to Radio EastMed’s full podcast for August 2020.
PODCAST: What the UAE-Israel deal means for the Muslim world
Israel may have put off its planned annexation of the West Bank, but even the UAE’s closest ally Saudi Arabia has withheld its full backing for the deal.
PODCAST: Game Over for Russia in the Mediterranean?
Failure to maintain a Russian naval presence in Syria would endanger Moscow’s access to important sea trade routes and leave Russia’s cargo ships exposed.
PODCAST: The blast that destroyed Lebanon for good
The deadly explosion that shook Beirut on August 4 did more than just damage the capital; its political shockwaves were felt by all Lebanese people.
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